Cleaning Instructions for SmartSlydr

Before you Begin:

We recommend using WD-40 Electric Contact Cleaner with straw. You can use any similar Electric Contact Cleaner.

Reference Links: Amazon Walmart Home Depot

Cleaning Instructions:

1. Remove the Power Cord:

Ensure the device is disconnected from power before proceeding.

2. Accessing the Circuit:

Accessing Circuit Image

3. Locate the Following Components:

These components may be surrounded by wires and other parts. Handle them carefully.

Locate Circuit Image

4. Clean the Circuits:

Refer to the video.

5.Post-Cleaning Steps:

Need Further Assistance?

If the above steps didn't work, pelase send an email to with a detailed description of the problem, along with photos/videos.

Important: Please include your SmartSlydr serial number in the subject line. Mobile App -> Home -> Device Details -> Settings -> Device Info -> Serial Number